Feature Friday - January 26, 2024


  • Added the following grenades as rare drops on Explosives population tables: spring-turret, time dilation, plasma, gravity, glitter, and phase shift.
  • Added descriptions for several pieces of furniture.
  • Weapons with lots of ammo no longer cause the ammo display to overflow the bar.
  • Creatures can no longer be woken up the turn they fall asleep, which will prevent some issues like a backswing from a blow that knocked a creature unconscious immediately waking them up.
  • Weapons that stun on impact now stun when they are thrown as well.
  • Boosted the disassemble performance of unpowered advanced toolkits to match that of basic toolkits, as clained in the rules text.
  • In look descriptions, fungal infections now show up under "Physical Features" instead of "Equipped".
  • Creatures who prefer not to sell specific items or types of items now agree to sell them to you if they are your companion.
  • Added a sound effect to the "you feel increasingly unstable" mutating message.
  • Liquid-fueled energy cells are now tagged as ammo.
  • Killing all the girshlings in Redrock before accepting What's Eating the Watervine? no longer prevents the quest's completion.
  • Gave Saad Amos the Rebuke Robot skill.
  • Removed how many seconds are left on a bombs timer from its description. It still appears in the display name.
  • Active fungi now have a higher render layer.
  • Fixed a bug that caused clues to the location of Ruin of House Isner to disappear from loaded games.
  • Fixed a bug that caused unequipping the amaranthine prism via Precognition to not disappoint someone, if the prism was not in your inventory prior.
  • Fixed a bug that caused averaged armor values from multiple limbs of the same type to sometimes not update when one of the limbs was lost.
  • Fixed a bug that caused you to always receive blame for unequipping the prism, regardless of whom it was equipped to. (You'll still be blamed if it's your companion doing the unequipping.)
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Decarbonizer module to permanently stop working if its beam was interrupted.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the golem's ability to recall to the Court of Sultans to stop working if recalled or reshaped via the reshaping nook.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the 'Eat the God's Flesh' step to not complete correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Wandering Tau to wander off as if she were preparing to join the Seekers of the Sightless way.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Wandering Tau from being a follower after If, Then, Else was completed.
  • Fixed a grammar issue with falling through open air.
  • [modding] Folded Staging.xml blueprints into their respective data files.
  • [modding] Added IfHaveItemDescendsFrom conversation delegate which checks your inventory and equipment for an object with a descendant blueprint.
  • [modding] RecoilOnDeath now checks its active status, meaning it can be disabled by normality, EMP, rust, et cetera if flagged as vulnerable.


cavesofqud-windows-default.zip 685 MB
Version 91 days ago
cavesofqud-osx-default.zip 687 MB
Version 91 days ago
cavesofqud-linux-default.zip 675 MB
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