Feature Friday - December 8, 2023
Caves of Qud » Devlog
- Entries in the wait menu and move menu now have hotkeys.
- Made random book titles format better when they contain words enclosed in punctuation marks.
- Throwing multiple weapons with grafted mirror arms now costs a single turn, as intended, rather than a turn per weapon.
- Gave thrown knives a new visual effect.
- Precision force lathe activation no longer has an action cost.
- NPCs can now use precision force lathes.
- The accuracy bonus from Draw a Bead now only applies to bows and rifles, matching the description.
- NPCs can now use Draw a Bead.
- Draw a Bead now only considers your visibility for purposes of maintaining the target mark, not obstructions.
- Added an Automation option to turn off digging through walls by walking into them.
- When something falls in love with you, your companions now stop attacking it.
- Added some new creature descriptions.
- There are now different indicator animations for when autoact is interrupted by threats vs. nonthreats.
- When you untarget something via the untarget interaction, your companions now stop attacking your former target.
- Autoexplore now looks at the village history monuments in the Yd Freehold and Kyakukya.
- Autoact interactions with doors now only use popups for failed interactions.
- Portable walls now fill deep shafts and similar terrain features that they are deployed over.
- Stats now display in the build summary screen using a formatted version of their name, where relevant.
- The bulging waterskin that sometimes appears in Bey Lah now starts off sealed.
- You now usually become lost if you attempt to travel on the world map while confused.
- It's no longer necessary to use force attack to attack while overburdened.
- Nostrums options in the cooking menu are now grayed out if they don't do anything.
- Attempting to shield slam yourself now gives a more sensical failure message.
- Item targets for the Spread Klanq quest no longer include item stats.
- Having an item ripped from your body by a magnetic pulse now interrupts autoact.
- There is now a popup message or autoact interruption when a visible, non-trifling companion has an item ripped from their body by a magnetic pulse.
- Added a message when you're missing a certain chime in an important situation.
- Improved name transfer of transmuted NPCs.
- When conjoined creatures split, the parts now take on the attitudes of the whole.
- The engrave interaction of gaslight chisels can now be used from the inventory.
- Fixed a rare grammar error with transkinetic cuffs.
- Fixed a bug where if you disassembled a recoiler from the Recoil menu, the recoiler remained in the menu.
- Fixed a bug that made the Recoil menu open with no option initially selected.
- Fixed a bug that made cybernetics credits wedges normally available via the water ritual from some factions only available from the Putus Templar.
- Fixed an exception when bleeding stopped.
- Fixed a bug with checkpointing locations.
- Fixed a bug that made creatures more willing to walk off cliffs than they should have been.
- Fixed a bug that caused crystalline roots to fall down the pits left by their destruction.
- Fixed a bug that disabled the Dashing effect of the Flume-Flier of the Sky-Bear.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes included transient conditions like being wet in the names of creatures harvested for village construction materials.
- Fixed a bug that made torches in your initial inventory not stack until interacted with.
- Fixed some cases of color markup being incompletely removed from text.
- Fixed a bug that made rhinoxen, rarely, charge while frozen.
- Fixed a bug that made clones potentially inherit some of their original's descriptive elements inappropriately.
- Fixed the word "block" appearing twice in creatures' Staggering Block messages.
- Fixed a bug that caused some data disk vendors to fail to stock.
- Fixed a bug that made poisoning not affect creatures while they were stunned or paralyzed.
- Fixed a bug that caused strange phrasing in some generated sentences.
- Fixed a bug that caused strange phrasing when items were taken from the player as part of conversation.
- Fixed a bug that caused companions' point-defense systems to target your projectiles.
- Fixed a bug causing use of possessive pronouns in some messages where possessive forms of names were appropriate.
- Fixed a case of inappropriate capitalization when memory eaters try to consume a memory and can't find one.
- Fixed a bug that made status feedback for the quest Weirdwire Conduit... Eureka! tell you that you had picked up "1 feet" of wire if the first piece of wire you picked up was 1' long.
- Fixed a bug that caused you to fail to fall in love with things viewed via their interaction menu.
- Fixed a bug that caused some merchants to fail to restock until their zone had been visited multiple times.
- Fixed a bug that disabled digging by walking into a wall.
- Fixed a bug that caused waking peacefully to become impossible when crungled into the body of a level 1 creature.
- Fixed a bug that caused the game to end if you leveled up by killing your original body in a deep dream.
- Fixed a bug that caused the game to freeze when transmuting items without a detail color.
- Fixed a bug that caused items glitched via warm static to create duplicate references to themselves within the same tile.
- Fixed a bug that caused Aoyg-No-Longer to become hostile after loading a save.
- Fixed a bug that caused some consumed or destroyed items to instead re-appear within your inventory.
- Fixed a bug that caused kills via transmutation not to be properly attributed.
- Fixed a bug that allowed missile weapons to instantly destroy invulnerable objects.
- [modding] There is now an intproperty TradeCount that is incremented on objects each time the player enters the trade screen with them.
- [modding] Degenerate markup of the form {{text}} now displays nothing, consistently with the results of ColorUtility analytical and transformation methods.
- [modding] Builder-based merchant inventory has been converted to population tables using GenericInventoryRestocker.
- [modding] XRL.World.Capabilities.Disarming.Disarm() can now take an argument GameObject Weapon that specifies a weapon to attempt to disarm rather than allowing it to be determined randomly.
- [modding] Optional predicates can now be applied to the TextInsert conversation part.
- [modding] Hooks for feet no longer resets its stats when regenerating.
cavesofqud-windows-default.zip 838 MB
Version Dec 09, 2023
cavesofqud-osx-default.zip 831 MB
Version Dec 09, 2023
cavesofqud-linux-default.zip 837 MB
Version Dec 09, 2023
Get Caves of Qud
Caves of Qud
Chisel through a layer cake of thousand-year-old civilizations.
Status | In development |
Author | Freehold Games |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | Fantasy, Roguelike, Sci-fi |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Configurable controls, High-contrast |
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