Feature Friday - December 2, 2022
Caves of Qud » Devlog
204.42 - 'beta' branch
- Added new armor: gigantic chassis plate.
- Added a new item: magnetic bottle.
- Added [redacted] to the bottom of the asphalt mines.
- Added sated dreamcrungles.
- After escaping the waking dream of a dreamcrungle, it now either dies or becomes sated.
- Added a new preservable/piece of butcherable equipment: dream rondure.
- Added a new cooking ingredient: dream smoke.
- Added a new 'Flip' mode to the modern dock. It has behavior similar to the original text sidebar.
- Made some tweaks to Crystal of Eve.
- Added young crystalline roots to the subterranean Moon Stair. They very rarely spawn with harvestable crystals of Eve.
- Added descriptions for the following objects: monad, crystal of Eve, crystalline root.
- Noisegrass now only appears on the Moon Stair surface.
- Pax Klanq now takes three days to construct the [redacted].
- Clarified in Pax Klanq's dialog that the hamsa must weigh 5 lbs. or less.
- Pre-existing natural weapons of a [redacted] now match the armament skill.
- Baetyl rewards awarded during [redacted] creation are now gigantic when applicable.
- A popup is now displayed when your follower is unable to enter your [redacted].
- Cragsmench [redacted] no longer spawn with hoary fists.
- If you get stranded in a waking dream by a dreamcrungle, the reward or penalty for completing the crungle is now applied to your new body.
- Tweaked the screen transitions when hit by a dreamcrungle while using the classic interface.
- Charging Strike for axes and Charging Strike for cudgels are now the same skill.
- Village ovens can no longer recipes that have wild rice as an ingredient.
- Added an option to disable mouse zoom.
- The selected ability bar button is now only highlighted if the "Use Ability" command has an active bind.
- The User Interface option "Pressing shift will hide the sidebar" now affects the modern UI dock and undocked windows.
- Gibbons are now correctly classified as apes.
- Twinning and trining lamprey are now correctly classified as fish.
- Reclassified some robots.
- Turret [redacted] now have the correct tile.
- Goatfolk [redacted] no longer spawn with equipment.
- Changed some verbiage with consuming or getting covered in warm static.
- Renamed Chavvah root to crystalline root.
- Tweaked some properties of crystalline roots.
- The dock drag handle's opacity now respects the dock background opacity setting.
- Pathfinding now considers standing next to dangerous gases to pose some fraction of the danger of standing in them.
- Deploy Turret, Flaming Hands, Freezing Hands, and Freeze Breath can no longer be used on the world map.
- Robot sensor arrays and hardpoints may now be marked as scrap independently of each other.
- Non-takeable items that theoretically have a reputation modifier (such as painted or engraved immobile furniture) no longer show the reputation modifier in their description.
- Fixed several bugs where effects obtained from dilute warm static could be applied multiple times.
- Fixed a bug that caused grazing animals used as in the creation of the [redacted] to incorrectly be assigned the goat body type.
- Fixed a bug that caused the still crystal chime to disappear from your inventory.
- Fixed a bug that caused the follower buff from certain hamsas to flicker on creatures with enhanced quickness.
- Fixed a bug that caused autoact to be interrupted when a follower's maximum HP changed.
- Fixed an issue with ability bar navigation improperly respecting the alternate modifier button.
- Fixed an issue that caused the message log to sometimes not scroll fully to the bottom when passing nearby objects.
- Fixed an issue that prevented right-stick look navigation in the prerelease input manager.
- Fixed a bug that made morphogenetic weapons apply the compute power of their target to their effect rather than that of their wielder.
- Fixed a bug that made Barathrum clocks with Q Girl pendulums disassemblable for no bits.
- Fixed a rare exception in village generation.
cavesofqud-osx-beta.zip 710 MB
Version Dec 03, 2022
cavesofqud-linux-beta.zip 713 MB
Version Dec 03, 2022
Get Caves of Qud
Caves of Qud
Chisel through a layer cake of thousand-year-old civilizations.
Status | In development |
Author | Freehold Games |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | Fantasy, Roguelike, Sci-fi |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Configurable controls, High-contrast |
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