Mutation Overhaul: our biggest mutation rebalance ever
Caves of Qud » Devlog
The Mutation Overhaul patch is here! This update includes our biggest mutation rebalance ever, new elements of our RPG-style UI, and hundreds of other changes. Enjoy!
- Rapid advancement increases the mutation's rank by 3.
- These three ranks don't count toward the rank 10 limit.
- Rapidly advanced mutations are still subject to the mutation rank cap that's based on character level.
- If you have 4 mutation points after gaining a level, you'll have a chance to buy a new mutation before you choose a mutation to rapidly advance.
- If you have no physical mutations at this point, nothing happens.
- Chimera still restricts the mutations you can acquire to physical-only.
- Whenever you buy a new mutation or mutate with Unstable Genome, one of the mutation options (chosen randomly but revealed to you) will have a rider effect: you'll grow a new body part.
- The body part is chosen randomly from among all organic body parts and their variants.
- head, blossom, cap, nuclear protrusion
- face, antennae, feelers, sensory bud, sensory bulb, sensory nodule, sensory frill, sensory ganglion
- arm, bine, branch, fibrous node, frond, leg, lobe, stalk, stem, taproot
- bifurcation, fine root, leaf, pincer, pinnule, pseudopod, side hypha, tendril, tentacle, twig
- feet, front legs, legs, rear legs
- roots, lower hyphae, mulch
- fin, dorsal fin, tail fin
- The body part grows out of one of your existing body parts, weighted toward your body but any non-abstract body part is possible.
- The body part is chosen randomly from among all organic body parts and their variants.
- If you have Irritable Genome and Chimera, when you buy a mutation, there's a 1/3rd chance you'll grow the new body part. This is in place of the augmented selection, since you Irritable Genome restricts your mutation choices. You will however get the augmented selections when Unstable Genome triggers.
- Adrenal Control
- We revamped Adrenal Control.
- Gives you Release Adrenaline, an ability that grants 9+mutationRank Quickness and temporarily increases the ranks of your other physical mutations by (mutationRank/3)+1.
- Duration: 20.
- Cooldown: 200.
- We revamped Adrenal Control.
- Beak
- Beak is now a 1-point mutation instead of a defect.
- No longer occupies face slot.
- Added a +1 Ego bonus. (sightly beak)
- Updated description to reflect the correct amount of bonus bird reputation (+200).
- Burrowing Claws
- Increased cost from 2 MP to 3.
- Claws no longer occupy hand slot.
- Your base fists are now replaced with claws that function as short blades and deal increased damage with mutation level.
- levels 1-3: 1d2
- levels 4-6: 1d3
- levels 7-9: 1d4
- levels 10-12: 1d6
- levels 13-15: 1d8
- levels 16-18: 1d10
- levels 19+: 1d12
- Carapace
- Reduced cost from 4 MP to 3.
- DV penalty is now a flat -2 across all mutation levels.
- You no longer have trouble getting up when knocked prone.
- Reduced the DV penalty for tightening your carapace from -10 to -2.
- Carnivorous
- Changed this into a defect that gives 2 MP.
- Removed the tasty bonuses from eating meat.
- Corrosive Gas Generation
- Removed mutual exclusion with Sleep Gas Generation.
- Increased the number of rounds you release gas for from mutationRank/2 + 1 to mutationRank+2.
- Increased the cooldown from 35 to 40.
- Corrosive gas no longer deals damage to items.
- (cosmetic) Renamed the activated ability name to "Release Corrosive Gas".
- Double-muscled
- Reduced cost from 4 MP to 3.
- Removed the movespeed penalty.
- Changed the chance to daze on a successful melee attack to 13% + mutationRank*2 for 2-3 rounds.
- Electrical Generation
- We revamped Electrical Generation.
- EG now uses the same electrical charge units as energy cells and power systems.
- Maximum charge is 2000+mutationRank*2000.
- Charge accrual rate is mutationRank*100 per round, modulated by Willpower via a similar formula as cooldown modulation.
- You can discharge at a minimum of 1000 charge. Deals 1d4 damage per 1000 charge, with the possibility of arcing to adjacent targets at reduced damage (maximum 1 target per 1000 charge).
- Exposure to electromagnetic pulses always caused involuntary discharge; this is now documented and is now subject to a difficulty 18 Willpower save.
- Energy cells and capacitors now have a "drink charge" option that lets you drain their charge.
- You recharge 100 charge for each point of electrical damage taken.
- You can provide charge to equipped devices that have integrated power systems, such as Jacked equipment.
- We revamped Electrical Generation.
- Electromagnetic Pulse
- (cosmetic) Renamed the activated ability to "Emit Pulse".
- Flaming Hands and Freezing Hands
- Renamed to Flaming Ray and Freezing Ray. You now have the option to customize these mutations and choose a limb for the ghostly flames/icy vapor to appear on (Hands, Feet, or Face).
- Now neither mutation occupies the Hands or any other body slot.
- If you get the limb you chose severed, you lose access to the mutation's powers.
- The temperature increase/decrease on melee attacks now applies to attacks made with any limb. We also added this behavior to the mutation description (it was previously undocumented).
- Flaming Ray
- Reduced cost from 5 MP to 4.
- Freezing Ray
- Increased cooldown from 10 to 20.
- Heightened Quickness
- Reduced cost from 4 MP to 3.
- Removed the toughness penalty.
- Increased quickness buff to mutationRank*2 + 13.
- Horns
- You can now choose a cosmetic option for horns (horns, horn, antlers, casque).
- Increased AV progression to (mutationRank-1)/3 + 1.
- Generalized damage to 2d[(mutationRank/2)+3].
- Improved bleeding damage to the following.
- levels 1-3: 1
- level 4+: 1d2 + (mutationRank-4)/3
- Multiple Arms
- Increased the chance for extra attacks from 6% + mutationRank * 2 to 7% + mutationRank * 3.
- Multiple Legs
- Increased cost from 4 MP to 5.
- Changed move speed bonus from mutationRank * 5 + 3 to mutationRank * 20.
- Night Vision
- You can now see [redacted].
- Phasing
- You can now phase back in on demand.
- Photosynthetic Skin
- Increased the bonus regeneration rate from Basking or cooking with lignin from 20% + mutationRank * 4 to 20% + mutationRank * 10.
- Increased the bonus quickness from Basking or cooking with starch from 1 + Ceiling(mutationRank/2) to 13 + mutationRank*2.
- Generalized the servings of starch and lignen you can store to [(mutationRank-1) * 4] + 1.
- Generalized the bonus duration of Basking's effect to [(mutationRank-1) * 4] + 1.
- Regeneration
- Reduced cost from 5 to 4.
- We revamped this mutation.
- You regenerate hitpoints at your full rate in combat. (This was true previously but wasn't documented.)
- Regeneration bonus is now a percentage instead of a flat bonus: +10% + (mutationRank*10)
- mutationRank*10% chance per round to regrow a missing limb. If this chance exceeds 100%, you cannot be decapitated.
- 1% + mutationRank/3 chance per round to remove a minor physical debuff at random. At mutationRank = 5, this becomes any physical debuff (including glotrot, ironshank, sore throat, and monochrome).
- Quills
- Changed AV progression.
- Level 1-2: 2
- Level 3+: mutationRank/3 + 2
- Quill penetration now caps at 6.
- Changed the damage reflection for unarmed attacks.
- Now, when a creature uses an unarmed attack against you, roughly 1% of your quills break and you reflect 3% * numQuills damage back at your attacker.
- Quill regeneration is now affected by Willpower.
- Changed AV progression.
- Sleep Gas Generation
- Removed mutual exclusion with Corrosive Gas Generation.
- Increased the number of rounds you release gas for from mutationRank/2 + 1 to mutationRank+2.
- Increased the cooldown from 35 to 40.
- (cosmetic) Renamed the activated ability name to "Release Sleep Gas".
- Slime Glands
- You can walk now over slime without slipping.
- Spinnerets
- Activating Spin Webs no longer takes an action.
- Made web save difficulty scale at 2X mutation level instead of 1X.
- Increased arachnid reputation bonus from +200 to +300.
- Stinger
- Reduced Confusing Stinger cost from 4 to 3.
- We revamped the three Stinger mutations.
- You now get a tail with the stinger attached.
- Stinger maxes at 1 penetration.
- Stinger penetration progression:
- Level 1: 3
- Level 2+: (mutationRank-2)/3 + 4 (max 9)
- Stinger damage progression:
- Level 1: 1d6
- Level 4: 1d8
- Level 7: 1d10
- Level 10: 1d12
- Level 13: 2d6
- Level 16: 2d6+1
- Level 19+: 2d8
- Stinger is considered a long blade.
- You always sting when you charge or lunge.
- You can use the Sting activated ability (cooldown 25) to sting with autohit and autopen.
- Venom save: 14 + mutationRank*2
- Paralyzation duration:
- Level 1-2: 2-4 rounds
- Level 3+: 1d3 + (mutationRank)/3 + 1 rounds (max 1d3 + 7)
- Confusion duration:
- Level 1-2: 2d3 + 2 rounds
- Level 3+: 2d3 + (mutationRank*2)/3 + 2 rounds (max 2d3 + 14)
- Poison duration: 8-12 rounds
- Poison increment: (mutationRank)d2, stackable
- We revamped the three Stinger mutations.
- Reduced Confusing Stinger cost from 4 to 3.
- Thick Fur
- Increased heat and cold resist bonus to +5.
- +100 reputation with all of the following: apes, baboons, bears, and grazing hedonists.
- Triple-jointed
- Reduced cost from 4 MP to 3.
- Removed the strength penalty.
- Removed the bonus chance to dodge.
- Added a 7% + mutationRank * 3 chance that Agility-based skill powers don't go on cooldown after use.
- Two-headed
- Increased cost from 2 MP to 3.
- Improved mental action cost reduction from 16% + mutationRank * 4 to 15% + mutationRank * 5.
- Improved chance to shake off a mental debuff from 5% + mutationRank to 5% + mutationRank * 2.
- Two-hearted
- Reduced cost from 4 to 3.
- Removed Quickness penalty.
- Removed synchronized heartbeat effect.
- Added a % bonus to sprint duration: 10% + 20*mutationRank.
- Wings
- Increased cost from 3 to 4.
- Wings no longer take up the Worn on Back slot.
- (cosmetic) Your Worn on Back slot is renamed to Worn around Wings.
- +10% + (mutationRank*10) move speed while sprinting.
- Jump range is increased by (mutationRank/3) + 1.
- Charge range is increased by (mutationRank/3) + 2.
- Beguiling
- Increased cost from 3 to 5.
- Simplified success roll to 1d8 + characterLevel + mutation Level (or Ego mod, whichever is higher) VS target's characterLevel + MA.
- Burgeoning
- Tumbling pods spawned by burgeoned feral lah no longer (dangerously) follow you around.
- Clairvoyance
- Increased the cooldown from 75 to 100.
- Reduced the visibility duration from 16 + mutationRank * 2 to 19+mutationRank.
- Upped the level at which the whole map is revealed to 15.
- Confusion
- Increased cost from 3 to 4.
- Confusion AOE is now a cone originating from the caster.
- Cone angle: 29+mutationRank.
- Cone length: 4+mutationRank/3.
- Increased cooldown from 40 to 75.
- Changed duration to 0.8*((mutationRank/2)+10) to 1.2*((mutationRank/2)+10).
- Fixed a bug that prevented Confusion's penalty to mental stats form being applied.
- Domination
- Increased cost from 4 to 5.
- Ego Projection
- Increased cost from 2 to 4.
- If this ability comes off cooldown before the duration has expired, you can no longer boost the same stat multiple times.
- Changed duration (which was broken) to: 16+(mutationRank * 2) to 20+(mutationRank * 2).
- Boosting a stat now has an action cost.
- Force Bubble
- Reduced cost from 5 to 4.
- Force Wall
- Changed cool from 108-(mutationRank * 8) to a flat 100.
- Changed duration from 25 to 14+(mutationRank * 2).
- Mass Mind
- Changed cooldown to 550-(mutationRank * 50), minimum 100.
- Willpower no longer affects Mass Mind's cooldown.
- Each use attracts slightly more attention from psychic interlopers.
- Mental Mirror
- We revamped this mutation.
- We did away with the charges.
- If this mutation is off cooldown when you suffer a mental attack, you gain +3+mutationRank MA against that attack (and the mirror goes on cooldown). If the attack then fails to penetrate your mental armor, it's reflected back at your attacker.
- Cooldown: 50.
- We revamped this mutation.
- Stunning Force
- Normalized damage increment to 1d3 + (mutationRank-1) / 2.
- Sunder Mind
- We revamped Sunder Mind.
- For up to 10 rounds, you engage in psychic combat with an opponent, dealing damage each round.
- Taking any action other than passing the turn will break the connection.
- Each round, mental attack vs. MA. Damage increment:
- odd levels: 1d3+(mutationRank/2)
- even levels: 1d4+(mutationRank-1/2)
- On the tenth round, you deal damage equal to the total amount of damage you've done so far.
- Range: sight
- Cooldown: 80 rounds
- We revamped Sunder Mind.
- Teleportation
- We revamped this mutation.
- Teleportation is now imprecise. You teleport to a random square in the picker's area of effect (radius = 13-mutationRank, minimum 2).
- If an occupied square is chosen, you're shunted to another, unoccupied square (the new square can be outside the AoE).
- Changed cooldown to 103-(3 * mutationRank).
- We revamped this mutation.
- Amnesia
- Revamped. It now gives 2 points.
- Whenever you learn a new secret, there's a small chance you forget a secret.
- Whenever you return to a map you previously visited, there's a small chance you forget the layout.
- Analgesia
- Renamed Nerve Poppy.
- Blinking Tic
- Tweaked occurrence chance.
- Changed so it only triggers during combat.
- Dystechnia (new)
- Mental defect. 2 points.
- You're much worse at examining artifacts.
- You can't have artifacts identified for you because you don't understand their explanations.
- When you break an artifact during examination failure, it explodes.
- Electromagnetic Impulse
- Tweaked occurrence chance.
- Changed so it only triggers during combat.
- Hemophilia: we removed it.
- Hooks for Feet
- Removed the -10 move speed penalty.
- Irritable Genome (new)
- Physical defect. 4 points.
- Whenever you spend a mutation point, the next mutation point you gain will be spent randomly.
- Whenever you buy a new mutation, you get a random one instead of a choice of three.
- Myopia
- Increased point value from 2 to 3.
- Made radius 10.
- Renamed Myopic.
- Narcolepsy
- Reduced point value from 4 to 3.
- Tweaked occurrence chance.
- Changed so it only triggers during combat.
- Psionic Migraines (new)
- Mental defect. 4 points.
- You cannot wear hats or helmets.
- Quantum Jitters (new)
- Mental defect. 3 points.
- Whenever you use an activated ability, there's a small chance your focus slips and you dent spacetime in the local region, causing 1-2 spacetime vortices to appear. This chance increases the longer you go without using an activated ability.
- Socially Repugnant
- Revamped. It now gives -50 reputation with every faction.
- Spontaneous Combustion
- Tweaked occurrence chance.
- Changed so it only triggers during combat.
- Tonic Allergy (new)
- Physical defect. 4 points.
- The chance your mutant physiology reacts adversely to a tonic is increased to 33%.
- If you react adversely this way to a salve or ubernostrum tonic, the adverse reaction effect is chosen randomly from among other tonic effects. You will still heal.
- 1-100 above flame point: 1 damage per round
- 101 - 300 above flame point: 1-2 damage per round
- 301 - 500 above flame point: 2-3 damage per round
- 501 - 700 above flame point: 3-4 damage per round
- 701 - 900 above flame point: 4-5 damage per round
- 901+ above flame point: 5-6 per turn
- Reduced carbine's accuracy.
- The masterwork carbine quest reward now uses the same ammo as the standard carbine (lower damage).
- Added a new graphical clock to the upper right of the prerelease status bar.
- Added some utility buttons to the upper right of the prerelease status bar.
- Added much nicer boxes for popup messages.
- Added a new conversation UI that includes the tile of whomever you're speaking to.
- Added a new object interaction UI that includes the tile of whatever you're interacting with.
- You can enable these features via two different options:
- To enable the new popups, new conversation UI, and new main screen with status bar: Options > Overlay UI > Prerelease: Use prerelease stage screen.
- To enable just the popups and conversation UI: Options > Overlay UI > Enable overlay user interface elements.
- Appendage, a boolean flag for whether the body part type is an actual appendage (in addition to all previously existing requirements, this flag must be true for a body part to be dismemberable)
- UsuallyOn, which is used with appendages to designate the typical parent body part of this body part (for example, the UsuallyOn value for Face is Head, the UsuallyOn value for Hand is Arm)
- UsuallyOnVariant, which is used for body part type variants to designate a specific variant they're typically attached to (for example, the UsuallyOnVariant value for Sensor Array is Control Unit)
- ImpliedBy, which is used by body parts like Hands to designate that some number of another body part (in this case, Hand) implies their existence
- ImpliedPer, which works with ImpliedBy to specify how many of the implying parts are "satisfied" by the existence of this part
Files 838 MB
Version Sep 28, 2020 831 MB
Version Sep 28, 2020 837 MB
Version Sep 28, 2020
Get Caves of Qud
Caves of Qud
Chisel through a layer cake of thousand-year-old civilizations.
Status | In development |
Author | Freehold Games |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | Fantasy, Roguelike, Sci-fi |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Configurable controls, High-contrast |
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