The Tomb of the Eaters is here.
Caves of Qud » Devlog
After so many months, the Tomb of the Eaters has finally arrived. Here are the patch notes for our biggest update ever.
Version 200.71
- There's now a gigantic tomb complex built around the Spindle at Omonporch. It's 12 stories tall, contains several historically striated sections, and includes ~100 maps.
- There are now several archaeological features around the Tomb exterior, including the outer caryatid wall, the Arcade to the Twin Gates, and the Court of Sultans.
- Added many, many, many new creatures, NPCs, objects, and mechanics scattered across the Tomb and its surrounding environs.
- Added a new quest in the main questline: Tomb of the Eaters.
- Added two side quests: The Buried Watchers and Fraying Favorites.
- Added a new village: Ezra.
- Added a new settlement: the mopango hideout.
- Added three new factions: mopango, the villagers of Ezra, and the Daughters of Exile.
- Added four new music tracks to the Tomb.
- [mentioned above] Added many, many new NPCs, creatures, items, objects, and mechanics specifically tied to the Tomb of the Eaters. We aren't listing those here.
- [mentioned above] Added three new quests: Tomb of the Eaters, the Buried Watchers, and Fraying Favorites.
- [mentioned above] Added a new village: Ezra.
- [mentioned above] Added three new factions: mopango, the villagers of Ezra, and the Daughters of Exile.
- Added 16 new cybernetic implants:
- equipment rack
- bionic liver
- pneumatic pistons
- reactive cranial plating
- high-fidelity matter recompositer
- anomaly fumigator
- phase harmonic modulater
- penetrating radar
- navigation system
- reactive trauma plate
- micromanipulator array
- onboard recoiler
- biodynamic power plant
- fire suppression system
- medassist module
- anchor spikes
- Added the following new items.
- advanced toolkit
- point-defense drone
- syphon baton
- molly netting
- time dilation grenades
- ninefold boots
- displacer bracelet
- spring-turret grenades
- glitter grenades
- several new recoilers
- Added the following new item mods.
- liquid-cooled
- padded
- gigantic
- displacer
- phase-harmonic
- fitted with electromagnetic shielding
- fitted with co-processer
- refractive
- morphogenetic
- nulling
- airfoil
- Added a new liquid: brain brine.
- Added a new gas: miasmatic ash.
- Added two new cooking ingredients: crushed grave moss and compacted bone meal.
- Added two new signature dishes.
- We changed how movespeed is calculated. Instead of approaching near-infinite movespeed as you near 200, your movespeed above or below 100 is treated as a percentage increase or decrease. Examples: 160 movespeed is 60% faster than 100. 50% movespeed is 100% slower than 100.
- The Multiple Legs mutation now costs 4 points.
- Motorized treads now gives more movespeed.
- Occasionally, upon gaining a level, completing a quest, performing the water ritual, or defeating a legendary foe, you may now become inspired to name one of your items.
- We made some changes to liquid and liquid pool behavior.
- You now swim through pools of size 2000+ drams. Swimming is now a status effect that penalizes movespeed and prevents creatures from taking move-related actions that require footing. You're asked to confirm movement when you first move into a swim-depth pool. The swimming confirmation message is toggleable via the option in the Prompts menu.
- Added a new status effect: wading. You now wade through pools of size 200-2000 drams. Wading gives -20 movespeed and interferes with some forms of movement, including sprinting.
- We renormalized the volumes of all the puddles, pools, and rivers in the game. Swim-depth pools (over 2000 drams) are now much more rare.
- Pools smaller than the wading threshold (200 drams) now use a different tile set.
- Entering a swim-depth pool from land now displays a warning message and requires you to confirm movement.
- Swim-depth pools now interrupt autowalk unless you are already swimming, flying, or out of phase with the pool.
- Small puddles now evaporate over time.
- Aquatic creatures now receive a -25 penalty to movespeed instead of the full -50. (The Swimming skill's +25 bonus offsets this penalty.)
- Objects now become coated in liquid more easily, and they also lose their liquid coatings more easily.
- Liquid-coated objects have a chance to stain.
- You can now use water to clean your stained equipment via inventory actions on either your water containers or your stained equipment.
- Some liquids now weigh more than others.
- Creatures moving through pools of liquid now track the liquid around. Bigger pools are more likely to be tracked around.
- Footwear now protects you from being affected by small pools of liquid.
- Pathfinding now puts more weight toward pathing around large pools of liquids, even less deadly ones.
- Bilge sphincters now provide a movespeed bonus in liquid pools of 200+ drams instead of 1000+.
- The random-buy mutation choices should now be more stable for a given seed.
- If you're out of 2+ point mutations to buy, you're now presented with 1-point mutations.
- Spacetime vortices and rifts now deposit all objects that enter through them into a consistent destination zone (randomly determined per anomaly), rather than destroying non-player objects. Companions sucked into a vortex are unable to rejoin you until you find them.
- We tweaked the temperature-related behavior of liquids.
- You may find differences in how pouring liquids on you affects temperature.
- Standing in a pool of lava is no longer safe once you've dealt with the initial temperature shock.
- Your equipment and inventory now experience more temperature effects than before, particularly if you expose yourself to large amounts of lava.
- We made some changes to sparking baetyl rewards.
- Item rewards are now much better.
- Item rewards now scale with both the baetyl's zone difficulty and the tier of the demanded item.
- Reduced the maximum number of demanded items to six.
- Baetyls asking for Templar phylacteries no longer ask for the phylacteries of specific people.
- Baetyls no longer care about differently-colored display names in the items they request.
- Baetyls no longer care about taking small amounts of damage, but they become... significantly irritated... by larger amounts.
- Phinae Hoshaiah can no longer generate as hated by baetyls.
- Trees are now stronger and tougher.
- More NPC tinkers can now repair, recharge, and identify artifacts.
- Fungal infections are now immune to heat, cold, electricity, and acid.
- Any NPC with whom you can perform the water ritual can now give you directions.
- Puffer fungi can now be hit by normal ranged weapons.
- Lava and acid now spawn less often in containers that are unsafe to house them.
- Companions now attempt to generally follow you even if they can't pathfind all the way to you (for example, because you have Force Bubble active).
- Mirrorshades now give a very small chance to reflect light-based attacks.
- Multiple applications of Hobble now renew the duration of the effect rather than stacking the movespeed penalty.
- Carbide hand bones no longer modify hands added by Helping Hands, and they only affect the set of hands where the implant was implanted (in the event a True Kin has somehow acquired multiple sets of hands).
- You can no longer open and close doors while frozen solid.
- Magazine-loaded ranged weapons now account for the weight and value of the ammo loaded in them.
- Fungal infections and motorized treads are now immune to damage.
- Lunge now respects phase and flight.
- Juke now interacts better with effects that restrict your mobility.
- Wraith-knights can no longer be duplicated or cloned.
- Robotic and otherwise inorganic creatures are no longer made thirsty by thirst thistle attacks.
- Temporal fugue clones and various other forms of cloning no longer count toward the death and destruction toll of A Call to Arms.
- Wraith-knights now despawn if their phylacteries are destroyed for any reason.
- Temporary items are now worthless, can no longer be cooked with, can no longer be used as tinkering components, and can no longer have their bits harvested.
- Temporal fugue clones now leave behind any items they had acquired after being conjured.
- Eater's nectar injectors belonging to temporal fugue clones now affect only temporal fugue clones.
- Having thirst inflicted on you by an attack no longer triggers tongue bleeding from glotrot.
- The Amphibious trait no longer reduces thirst that's inflicted by attacks, and amphibious characters get the same log messages as do non-amphibious characters when an attack inflicts thirst.
- We changed the way acid damage is calculated. Exposure to either dilute acid or small acid pools now deals less damage.
- Metal items now take quarter damage from acid.
- Salty water now generates half as much steam when vaporized. Brackish water generates 90% as much.
- Lacquered items now note in their descriptions that they repel liquids (this is behavior they always had).
- Steam now only damages organic objects.
- You can now retrieve items from owned containers that you put in them without triggering hostility.
- Stairs, pits, and similar objects that represent open space can no longer be sucked into space-time vortices.
- You can now collect liquids into slotted liquid-fueled energy cells.
- Small spheres of negative weight now add to your weight when they're broken or otherwise inoperative.
- Psionic weapons with slotted cells now leave the cells behind when they evanesce.
- Psionic weapons can no longer be modded with tinkering.
- Miner bots no longer generate mines based on modded grenades.
- NPCs are now less interested in using random items from their inventories as improvised weapons.
- Girshlings you encounter outside of Red Rock no longer advance 'What's Eating the Watervine?'.
- Force fields you can pass through no longer interrupt automove regardless of their source.
- Destroying or teleporting a web now frees anything stuck in it.
- When an object is phased multiple times, damage from being forced into phase by reality stabilization now occurs only when the last effect is terminated.
- Items that affect the chance of salvaging multiple bits, like advanced toolkits, are no longer used on items that can only ever disassemble into one bit.
- Dromad trader psychic thralls or domesticated slaves no longer generate map notes.
- Geomagnetic discs can no longer spawn with elemental damage mods.
- Made some improvements to geomagnetic disc pathing.
- Mafeo now has a pickaxe for sale.
- Excluded some more creatures from spawning as Mechanimist converts, including pulsed field magnets.
- Powered exoskeletons can now have a variety of item mods.
- When you're under the effect of the gamma moth Mutating effect, random mutations you might acquire are now reseeded at some point during its duration.
- Sheba Hagadias no longer succumbs to natural behavior like going on a pilgrimage or urn dusting.
- Things without brains can no longer be dazed or stunned.
- Holograms can no longer be harvested or butchered.
- Small stones and large stones are no longer flammable.
- Goatfolk can now give directions in conversations.
- Objects without bodies can no longer be knocked prone.
- Exiting the world map now avoids placing you in cells where you would have to swim.
- Pathfinding now strongly avoids tiles next to non-allied puffer fungi.
- Moving within two squares of puffer fungi now interrupts automove regardless of your "ignore enemies" settings.[
- Eaters' nectar now re-randomizes your potential mutation buys.
- Meditation no longer instantly cures bleeding. Instead, it now triples the rate of recovery from more negative status effects, including bleeding.
- Giant beetle and beetlebum corpses can now be butchered for raw beetle meat, which can be preserved as beetle jerky.
- Waterskins, canteens, and similar liquid containers are now repellent to certain types of liquids.
- Quests no longer ask you to find forgotten ruins or use forgotten ruins as landmarks.
- Boxes of crayons now let you choose which color to draw with and draw in tiles you're adjacent to. Also, drawing now has an action cost.
- Bloated pearlfrogs no longer ignore phase when pulling creatures with their tongues.
- Being frozen now interrupts sprinting and other movement or body-positioning effects.
- The harvest action now has a higher default priority than the chat action when both are present.
- Snail eggs and luminous motes are no longer used as quest items.
- Albino ape pelts can no longer be eaten. As a result, you now control their autopickup status via the autopickup trade goods toggle instead of the autopickup food toggle.
- You'll no longer encounter creatures standing in the same tile as a closed door.
- The walk command no longer generates an error if used in on the edge of a zone.
- Doors can no longer be closed on creatures or movement-blocking objects that occupy the same tile.
- Village catchbasins are now owned by the village faction.
- Attacking into a frozen zone now thaws it. This is most relevant when attacking up or down stairs.
- Removing energy cells from owned items now angers their owners.
- You can now pour into equipped liquid containers.
- Fix-It spray foam and other applicators, when unidentified, no longer reveal themselves when you back out of an interaction.
- Shank now respects phase and flight.
- Sheba Hagadias will no longer lay mines if a miner or deploy turrets if a turret tinker.
- Linear cannons can be tinkered now.
- You can now path through locked doors when you're carrying the appropriate key card.
- NPCs are now less avoidant of slime pools.
- Changed the way heirlooms gifted during the Spindle negotiation are generated and made their types respect the text in Heirlooms of Qud.
- Space-time vortices and rifts are no longer be pushed by forces like explosions.
- The AV bestowed by the Quills mutation now returns to the max value when your quills regenerate.
- Visiting the waterlogged tunnel no longer counts as visiting Red Rock.
- Removed the small per turn time delay while asleep.
- A given attack can now only have a block attempt performed with one shield. The limit on the number of attacks per turn that can be blocked is now per-shield; if you have multiple shields equipped, you will attempt to block a given attack using the best shield that you can presently use.
- You can no longer shield block while frozen, paralyzed, burrowed, or otherwise unable to freely move your limbs.
- Becoming famished now interrupts autoact.
- Creatures that are fleeing no longer count as visible hostiles.
- Creatures that try to keep their distance from the player now only count as visible hostiles at close range.
- Grenades are no longer destroyed before hitting the ground when thrown into a tile with acid gas.
- Flashbang grenades now affect a circular area instead of a square.
- Glowmoths can now use their gaze attack at point blank range.
- Only creatures who are able to engage in combat and can move their limbs now count for the purposes of preventing charge and causing missile weapons to fire wildly.
- Creatures now go prone if they can when they fall asleep for any reason, not just when they voluntarily go to sleep on a bed.
- Made most organic items leave behind ashes when they burn up.
- Ashes no longer catch fire.
- Village outskirts now properly have above and belowground features.
- The Bleeding effect is now described differently for creatures that do not have blood.
- Objects that are cloned while phased now properly assume their normal phase.
- Relics and extradimensional missile weapons now occasionally generate as armor-negating.
- Graftek-granted stat changes now count as permanent in all the usual ways.
- Factory arms now respect phase and flight.
- Item mods now include a native tier and will appear less frequently on items below that tier.
- Overdosing on a blaze tonic no longer cools you down, and overdosing on hoarshrooms no longer warms you up.
- Companions now heal while moving on the worldmap.
- Chainguns are now heavy weapons.
- Relics now have extra hit points.
- The Barathrumites are now more forgiving of friendly fire during A Call to Arms.
- Item-collecting arconauts and graverobbers no longer collect items when player-led or dominated.
- Cultist without bodies are less likely to become cult leaders.
- Your turrets now allow you to deactivate and reactivate them regardless of your security clearance.
- Hitting or firing at something with your missile weapon no longer makes it your target if it isn't hostile to you or if you already have a target.
- Fix-It spray foam can now be applied to nearby objects.
- Fix-It spray form now restores hit points to inanimate and inorganic objects.
- Charging Strike now adds 1 to the maximum AV penalty that can be inflicted by Cleave.
- Campfires, corpses, boulders, and furniture now block doors from closing.
- Conveyor belts can no longer move force fields.
- Equipment that uses multiple slots now prefers to use slots that are near each other.
- Reduced the extreme stickiness of asphalt, wax, honey, and sap.
- Spinnerets no longer produce webs on the world map.
- Only debuff effects now break domination.
- Sleep gas no longer applies renewed Asleep effects to you while you are already asleep.
- Confusion gas, sleep gas, and poison gas waste less time causing things they can't affect to make saves against them.
- Shake It Off and Poison Tolerance now describe their effects more accurately.
- Shake It Off's effect on poison damage is now properly implemented.
- The Grit Gate communications panel is now more durable.
- The following are now considered negative effects: choking on ash, phase spider venom, time-dilated, warming up, famished, and holographic bleeding.
- Going to sleep no longer makes you cease being prone.
- NPCs no longer normally want to equip Hand-E-Nukes.
- Telepathy now allows Berate to be used at any range if telepathic contact can be made.
- NPCs now display the same degree of hostility to things that live on walls that they would otherwise.
- We added a whole suite of vibrant combat animations. These can be disabled in the General options menu.
- We added a whole new UI infrastructure to support future UI changes, and exposed a new, in-progress overlay UI for the main game screen. You can enable it from the options menu (Overlay UI > Prerelease: Use prerelease stage screen).
- Changed the glyph and tile colors of non-mayor quest givers in villages from dark green to bright yellow. Accordingly, we also changed Mehmet's color to bright yellow.
- We made some changes to auto-equip.
- Auto-equip now gives you feedback on items that were unequipped as a result of your action.
- Eliminated most repetitive auto-equip messaging.
- Auto-equip now tries to unequip multiple items in order to equip an item that uses multiple equipment slots.
- Confirmation is now requested before automatically unequipping an item that will be destroyed by being unequipped.
- Added a new interaction menu command for companions, direct ability use, that allows you to forbid or permit your companions' use of their individual activated abilities.
- Added a new command to autoattack your current target in melee: Ctrl-A by default. When autoattacking, you pathfind toward your target if necessary and attempt to melee attack them. All the conditions that interrupt automove also interrupt autoattack, with one exception: if your target is the only hostile in sight, their presence does not interrupt you.
- Added a new command to attack the nearest hostile target in melee (Shift-A by default). If there are any hostiles adjacent to you, this command attacks the one that appears easiest to kill. Otherwise, it pathfinds one step toward the easiest-appearing visible hostile.
- Added a new "Ignored Keys" keybind. Keys bound to this entry are completely ignored. (This is useful for reserving a push-to-talk or screenshot key, for example.)
- The following actions performed while autoexploring now also operate on adjacent tiles: autoget, harvesting, butchering, trash rifling, opening a chest, and interacting with a bookshelf.
- Electromagnetic sensors and the following mutations now interrupt autoexplore and automove when you identify a hostile creature: Heightened Hearing, Heightened Smell, and Sense Psychic.
- More autoexplore activities now respect the autoexplore options for ignoring easy and distant enemies.
- Autowalking on the worldmap now avoids the Rainbow Wood.
- Autoexplore now passes through tiles that contain animated walls if those walls are in your party.
- Autocollect can now be disabled on empty waterskins.
- We changed the option "Maximum autoexplore squares/sec" to "Maximum automove squares/sec" and made it apply to all forms of automove.
- The display format of some zone names has changed.
- Projectiles coming from a distance and passing near the player now produce a message in the message log.
- Objects embedded in walls can no longer be taken or interacted with via the interact nearby command (unless you are also in the same tile as the wall or can pass through the wall).
- The overlay inventory screen now better handles having two heads or two faces.
- Trader repair and recharge actions now more effectively handle plurality and stacking.
- Smart use no longer pets Sheba Hagadias by default if Sheba is pettable.
- Take-all no longer counts untakeable items when checking whether you're going over your weight limit.
- Cybernetics credit wedges are now stackable.
- Disassemble now requests confirmation before disassembling quest items and items you have equipped.
- Disassemble now provides a "disassemble all" inventory action that disassembles a stack of items at once.
- Disassemble now has an action cost.
- A message now periodically appears in the message log when your companions are dehydrated. If they are visible when they become dehydrated, you get a popup.
- The take-all command now skips the weight limit warning if you're already over your weight limit.
- Lay Mine and Set Bomb now allow you to press escape from the explosive selection menu to abort the command.
- When you're selecting an item to equip from the equipment menu, items listed within a given category are now sorted in descending order by a rough utility evaluation. This sort method was there previously, but code was since introduced that disrupted it.
- Added new loading status indicator art.
- Colored text now displays more reliably across multiple lines in the text UI sidebar.
- Added a black outline to the overlay XP and HP readout numbers.
- Made the container preference for liquid collection more consistent. The order is: containers designated for autocollection of the liquid, then devices that use the liquid, then containers that already contain pure liquid of that type, then empty containers.
- Collecting a liquid now reports on which containers the liquid was collected into.
- The collect liquid action now only collects into containers that are safe for the liquid.
- The [redacted] in Joppa now shows up in the alt display.
- We made some tweaks to the looting menu in the classic UI.
- The weights of takeable items are now displayed alongside the items themselves.
- The menu now has an adaptive width to avoid cutting off item names.
- Page up and page down now work more reliably.
- Encountering the following objects now interrupts autowalk: deep shafts, identified mines, aloes, spacetime rifts, and spacetime vortices.
- Artifacts with proper names are no longer treated as having proper names while unidentified.
- On the classic trade screen, we switched 'interact with the selected item' from the Tab key to the Space key. Tab now selects and deselects all items on the active column of the trade screen, as an analog to its take-all function in looting menus.
- You can now use the Walk keybind from the Look menu to autowalk to the tile you're looking at.
- Automove and rest are now interrupted by decarbonizer beams that are detectable to you by sight, sound, or smell.
- When you're about to stop flying and you're at risk of taking fall damage (ie, at least one stratum above ground), you're now given an appropriate warning message.
- Faction leaders now have their prowess more accurately judged and displayed in their look descriptions.
- Autowalk, autoexplore, and rest are now interrupted when your companions engage in combat, take damage, or die, as long as they're visible or audible.
- Changed the message when you try to remove an unremovable cybernetic implant.
- The look and target picker "Locked" status toggle is now remembered across games and reloads.
- In the classic UI, the cooking menu now returns to the selected option instead of the top of the list when you choose a recipe to cook then decide go Back.
- "Press space" dialogs now close only when you press Escape, Enter, or Space.
- The overburdened status effect is now updated more reliably when your carrying capacity changes.
- The weight display in the trade UI is now more accurate.
- You no longer receive messages about merchants restocking if you're not in the same zone as they are.
- In the classic UI option screen, slider and selection options that don't fit well in one line now occupy two lines.
- The weights of takeable items are now always shown in their short descriptions.
- Autoexplore now seeks out and examines objects that contained unrevealed secrets in their descriptions.
- Waiting for a specified number of turns now shows a countdown next to the loading status indicator.
- In the trade screen, you can now use the keyboard (not numpad) number keys to specify a number of whatever is currently selected to trade.
- PgUp and PgDn can now be used on the Reputation and Skills screens.
- The Skills screen now reserves a consistent amount of screen space for skill descriptions rather than adjusting the space depending on the description length. Some descriptions have been edited to accommodate this.
- When selecting a container to pour a liquid into, containers that already contain that liquid now appear at the top of the list.
- Smart use on environmental liquid pools and liquid containers now opens the interaction menu rather than going directly into the pour-into-container action.
- You now get a message when you try to swap places with a non-hostile creature but can't for some reason.
- Losing sight of your target now interrupts automove.
- Elevator and door switches can now be flipped via the interaction menu.
- You can now properly access help from the main menu with '?'.
- Numpad '/' now shows and hides the prerelease stage message log.
- Reputation change messages now include your new reputation and inform you if the faction's overall attitude toward you has changed.
- The reputation changes incurred by violating the water ritual are now displayed in a single message.
- You can now add notes to items in your inventory and equipment. The notes appear in the item's short description.
- The fill action on liquid containers can now be used on any container that is not full, not just empty containers.
- You now prefer to autouse liquids that aren't stored in functional containers like liquid-cooled firearms.
- Missile weapons that use spray fire ammo (shotguns, pumps, point-defense drones, and flamethrowers) now indicate in their short description that they aren't subject to firing wildly when multiple enemies are adjacent.
- Bows now display their loaded arrows' penetration and damage value.
- Made weapon class display, strength cap, and accuracy information the color of rules text.
- When you run out of water while traveling, you now receive a message and a chance to stop rather than only getting notified when you become life-threateningly dehydrated.
- The environmental item picker now refreshes when a taken action changes the list of items displayed, such as when an item is broken off a stack.
- The visual effects for being frozen, slowed due to temperature, or on fire now have higher visual priority.
- The Tinkering screen bit locker now displays the glyph for each bit type of bit next to its name.
- The Spindle negotiation menu now uses alphabetic hotkeys rather than numeric in order to prevent numpad-based selection accidents.
- Added damage and penetration displays to thrown weapons.
- Ashes are now categorized as corpses.
- Pulse field magnets ripping equipment off your body is now messaged via a popup.
- The menu for entering a local map from the worldmap was reworked for clarity.
- Hitting escape when you're asked for a character name during character creation now returns you to the character summary screen.
- Automove now ignores the hostility of dreadroots, young ivory, and lurking beth.
- The movement penalty from equipping heavy weapons now visibly alters your move speed and the weapon's description, rather than being an invisible modifier to action costs.
- Some liquids pools now require you to confirm movement into them.
- Some liquids now require you to confirm that you wish to drink them.
- There is now an option that lets you turn off confirmation for both moving into and drinking dangerous liquids.
- Activation and deactivation messages now mention if an item in your possession is what's giving you clearance to perform that action.
- Lase now gives a failure message when you try to use it and it's exhausted.
- The priority of the Read action on books now depends on whether you have already read them.
- Status summary displays appended to the rules text of some items now appear in more places, too. Examples include "EMP", "unpowered", and "warming up".
- Inventory actions are now (mostly) consistently alphabetized.
- Made Lase message properly on failure to penetrate armor.
- Heightened Hearing, Heightened Smell, Sense Psychic, and Electromagnetic Sensor now all use the same logic for interrupting automove.
- NPCs can no longer change their equipment loadout when incapacitated.
- Psionic weapons now show their status in their display name when given a proper name.
- We added a whole suite of new combat sounds. These can be disabled in the General options menu.
- As mentioned above, we added four new music tracks for the Tomb of the Eaters.
- Added sound effects for the following:
- various creature deaths
- Broken effect getting applied
- Shattered Armor effect getting applied
- using Clairvoyance
- using Disintegration
- using Sunder Mind
- using Flaming Hands
- using Freezing Hands
- using Freeze Breath
- decarbonizers targeting and firing
- beep/ding/bloop artifact startup sequences
- resonance, stasis, and time dilation grenades exploding
- objects freezing
- the firing of phase cannons, rondures of light, laser rifles, linear cannons, eigenrifles, chain lasers, freeze rays, nullray pistors, hypertractors, and normality gas pumps
- light being refracted
- teleportation
- Added caves music to the trembling dunes underground.
- Added a water wheel and millstone to Joppa.
- Added descriptions for the following objects: fulcrete, conveyor drive unit, conveyor belt, bones, metal door, plastic tree, hammock, and brick.
- Added new tiles for the following objects: stairs, basic toolkit, rubble, and Tam's sign.
- Gave an ASCII makeover to the following objects: gravestones, unripe banana trees, floor cushion, medium boulder, bookshelf, sign, power line, brick, woven basket, hammock, flux gauge, Asphodel, Asphodelytes, walkways, various vessels, yawning gap, and weathered wood.
- Graffitied text now appears in the color of the graffiti on the object glyph.
- Stairs are no longer moved by conveyor belts.
- Tattooing a companion no longer tattoos you instead of them.
- Renamed human child to woodsprog.
- Tables no longer change their tile when you remove and return the same object.
- Quartzfur hats now message themselves as being made of quartz rather than glass.
- Solar and radio-powered cells now receive their charge more reliably on the world map and should cause less lag.
- Temporal fugue clones no longer lose their items before they expire.
- Sturdy spectacles and mirrorshades no longer incorrectly report that they have broken in melee.
- Ice frogs no longer sit in immobile confusion until approached.
- Animating an object with Spray-a-Brain no longer causes every object of that type to be recategorized as a Creature.
- Items generated as quest items no longer cause every item of that type to be recategorized as a Quest Item.
- Answering no to using an unpowered advanced toolkit while autoexploring now interrupts the autoexplore, preventing message loops.
- The water ritual now consumes a dram of liquid only when you initiate it instead of consuming one for every action you take during it.
- Psychic hunters are no longer incorrectly interdicted on maps without reality stabilization.
- Cybernetic implants that occupy an equipment slot are no longer shown twice in the implantee's description.
- Improved the grammar in "you pass by" messages.
- Spiders no longer attack allied creatures that are stuck.
- Player-controlled spiders no longer autoattack stuck creatures.
- Save files now remember which mods are enabled and prompt you to re-enable those mods before loading.
- Made some improvements to creature pathfinding.
- The water ritual can no longer be used to obtain unlimited cybernetics credit wedges.
- Improved Domination's ability to handle problematic cases in its teardown process.
- [patreon] Sheba Hagadias can no longer spawn as Either/Or. To install this change, you'll need to re-redeem Either/Or's pet code.
- Fixed a bug that caused the onset of fungal infections to sometimes be 8-10 turns instead of 2-3 days.
- Fixed a bug that caused symbiotic fireflies to destroy themselves, and turn into "Objects", when equipped.
- Fixed an improper item ownership warning when you tried to examine or disassemble items in the inventories of certain creatures you were dominating.
- Fixed a bug that caused Flurry to not work on inanimate objects, which in turn caused NPCs with flurry to stand there inert instead of attacking inanimate objects they were angry at.
- Fixed some bugs with color rendering and formatting in books.
- Fixed a bug with liquid-fueled power consumption, such as in gyrocopter backpacks.
- Fixed some performance issues with normality gas and norm cores.
- Fixed some issues with Page Up and Page Down failing to scroll correctly on the classic inventory screen with very large inventories.
- Fixed some item duping exploits with evil twins and prism clones.
- Fixed an issue with legendary breathers' and miners' names not showing up properly.
- Fixed a bug that made Berate 10x as likely to take effect if you had an Ego modifier of exactly zero.
- Fixed some bugs with explosions, other types of forced movement, and the generation of maps with ruined buildings.
- Fixed a bug that made DV and MA penalties from confusion become permanent if the game was saved and loaded.
- Fixed some issues with companions re-joining the player after traveling on the worldmap.
- Fixed a bug that caused an item type's repair cost to permanently depend on whether the first item of that type you repaired was rusted.
- Fixed some bugs that caused modifiers to secondary statistics like AV, DV, and movespeed to be double-applied when they came from mutations and cybernetic implants selected during character creation.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the penalties from the Engulfed status effect from being removed when the effect wore off.
- Fixed a bug that caused the 'most recently played character' to net initialize properly.
- Fixed an issue with portable walls.
- Fixed an issue with nano-neuro animators.
- Fixed a typo in village monument descriptions.
- Fixed a bug that caused Rebuke Robot to fail way more often than it should.
- Fixed a bug that caused take-all to not work in the classic UI looting menu when the cursor was on a category rather than an item.
- Fixed a bug that caused the 'Tweet this character build' button to not work.
- Fixed a bug with acid gas that caused the game to hang.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Golgotha chutes to generate disconnected.
- Fixed a a bug that caused mouse movement to not work properly on the world map.
- Fixed a bug that caused missile weapons to hit non-blocking inanimate objects in their paths.
- Fixed a bug that caused merchants to spawn with double the inventory they're meant to.
- Fixed a bug that immobilized aquatic creatures.
- Fixed a bug that caused worn items effects to not go away when you removed the item.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Barathrum's study to generate with a down staircase.
- Fixed a bug that caused resource exhaustion and error spam in the output log in some long-running games.
- Fixed some bugs that caused the decarbonizer beam selection to sometimes error out or create an infinite loop.
- Fixed a bug that caused some activated abilities to remain on the ability menu after those abilities were lost.
- Fixed a bug that caused the loss of some equipment benefits when using Temporal Fugue.
- Fixed a bug that allowed holographic plants to be harvested.
- Fixed a bug that indicated incorrect directions toward a detected hostile when automove was interrupted and that hostile was in an another zone.
- Fixed a bug that caused the genome destabilization message from the Mutating effect to be displayed for you even when you weren't the one mutating.
- Fixed a bug that caused weeped liquid and primordial ooze to fail to mix in the Rainbow Wood.
- Fixed a bug that made the hidden PhasedWhileStuck effect visible.
- Fixed a bug that caused certain pronouns to morph into "They" after games had been saved and reloaded.
- Fixed a typo in items that affect move speed.
- Fixed a bug that caused some village tinkers to not be members of their village's faction.
- Fixed a bug that caused companions to take steps in the wrong order when trying to follow their leader.
- Fixed a bug that caused one-shotting a creature to fail to trigger hostility in the creature's nearby allies.
- Fixed a bug that caused camel bladders to fail to negate the weight of the liquid in them when worn.
- Fixed some bugs in water ritual option coloring.
- Fixed a bug that made snapjaw forts, starapple farms, and pig farms not generate properly in village outskirts.
- Fixed a bad interaction when the snapjaw who wields Stopsvalinn generates as a villager.
- Fixed several issues that caused gas-generating creatures to not be immune to their own gas.
- Fixed some rare situations where the player didn't get a turn immediately following a game load.
- Fixed a bug that caused illuminated books to not have their display names altered.
- Fixed a bug in the way graffiti displayed on tombstones.
- Fixed a bug that caused reloading a linear cannon to always reload the energy cell instead of its slugs.
- Fixed a rare exception in the Multihorns mutation that prevented saved games from loading.
- Fixed a typo in soul curd's description.
- Fixed a bug that caused some non-blood-having creatures to bleed blood.
- Fixed a bug that caused simply targeting a creature to make it hostile.
- Fixed some bugs that caused several sensory effects to fail to detect walk-walking creatures.
- Fixed linear cannon penetration display.
- Fixed some issues that caused you to retain your marked target after using a special shot.
- Fixed a bug where pouring into a container you are emptying took the current contents of the container into account even though they were being emptied.
- Fixed a bug that caused missile weapons to display a damage message even when the damage was prevented.
- Fixed a bug with phase web animation.
- Prevented some rare corner cases where objects were destroyed multiple times.
- Fixed a bug that caused the 'show effects' menu to improperly linger beneath other windows when opened and closed.
- Fixed a bug that made reloading multiple magazine-loaded firearms behave strangely.
- Fixed a bug that set Face as goatfolk's primary attack limb.
- Fixed some cases where you would attempt to enter an occupied tile when entering a local map from the world map.
- Fixed music not playing properly after loading a game.
- Fixed an error when generating linear cannon relics.
- Fixed some (but not all) issues with world seeds.
- Fixed the background color of the trash sprite.
- Fixed a bug that made hoarshrooms fail to provide cold resistance.
- Fixed a bug that broke a mechanism for inventory action hotkey resolution. This fixes a number of issues with duplicate inventory action hotkeys.
- Fixed a bug that made temporal fugue clones leave ammo behind.
- Fixed a bug that disabled Proselytize's cooldown and sometimes caused the effect to occur multiple times when using it via a Skillsoft implant.
- Fixed a bug that prevented breathers from breathing.
- Fixed an issue that caused some double-slot equipment to use only one slot.
- Fixed some minor issues in goatfolk hero generation.
- Fixed a bug that made Fasting Way and Mind Over Body cause different thirst rate modifiers than what appears in their descriptions.
- Fixed some issues in the messages generated by drinking mixed liquids.
- Fixed some bugs with phasing.
- Fixed some intermittent thread-safety bugs with text processing.
- Fixed a bug that made horns try to use a nonexistent "Horns" skill.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the End Domination ability to appear multiple times in Dominated creatures' ability lists.
- Fixed some issues with the classic UI inventory screen and made it more closely resemble the item picker.
- Fixed many problems that caused NPCs to spawn inside walls, on top of other solid objects, and on top of each other.
- Fixed a bug that caused dashing with the Flume-Flier of the Sky-Bear to not pass a turn if you ran into a wall.
- Fixed a bug that caused trading-based recharging of stacked energy cells to cost you water for the entire stack but only recharge one cell.
- Fixed a bug that made Shank fail to prefer to use the weapon in the primary hand.
- Fixed a bug that made gases dissipate more slowly and use more system resources than they should have.
- Fixed a bug that made items and creatures hover over pits.
- Fixed a bug that caused you to fall through the Bethesda Susa elevator platform instead of onto it.
- Fixed a bug that made the autosave cycle take longer than normal when creatures fell into pits.
- Fixed some issues with Grit Gate's main entrance force barrier disappearing.
- We made several improvements to the map editor.
- The map editor now loads with an empty map rather than looking like you're editing the main menu.
- Added x-y coordinates for the mouse position and selected cell.
- Holding Ctrl while hovering over an item in the blueprints list now displays a portion of the blueprint XML.
- Added a checkbox on the blueprint filter to only show blueprints in use on the map.
- Made the sidebar opaque.
- Alt-clicking on a tile now properly set the brush even when you have no brush selected.
- Added Transform > Flip Vertical to the map editor.
- Added File > Reload Blueprints to the map editor. This lets you reload ObjectBlueprints.xml without quitting and reopening the editor.
- You can now select regions in the map editor by holding shift and dragging the select box over tiles. Ctrl-a selects the entire map.
- Redesigned the "selected cells" region of the map editor. You can now delete, bulk replace, and set ownership on objects in the selected region.
- The map editor now supports Ctrl-C to copy a selected region, which turns your brush into a rectangle the size of that region. Ctrl-click pastes the copied region, and right-click deletes the region bounded by the selected rectangle.
- The map editor now properly renders most walls, water tiles, and fences.
- The map editor now has tile previews in the blueprint selector.
- You can now undo the "fill" action in the map editor.
- Die rolls can now be specified as follows: "1d6[foo]", "2d4[bar]", etc, where 'foo' and 'bar' are arbitrary names of randomizer channels. The die roll will source its pseudorandomness from the channel specified; this produces a consistent series of results for a given channel name and world seed.
- Conversation choices now support fields IfHavePart and IfNotHavePart that make the choice conditional on whether the specified part is present on the player.
- The tag or string property ForceAnimatable now overrides an object animation's current walls-and-tables-only check.
- Bodies.xml now supports a BodyType attribute on anatomy elements that allows override of the body part type to use for the central body (normally "Body").
- Added an AfterGameLoaded event.
- Added default behavior for when a modded quest doesn't specify a hagiograph.
- Enabled anonymous access to workshop content.
- The starting location selector is no longer shown if a genotype or subtype has a defined starting location.
- Added a new Modding option: 'Select enabled mods on new game'.
- Space no longer accepts the 'Would you like to die?' prompt.
- We added a markup layer to our text coloring system. Example: {{red|this text will be red}}. This lets us treat color specification as a stack, so that text's color can be reset to the previously specified color at the end of a block. (Previously, we would try to emulate this behavior by resetting color to default grey [&y], but grey wasn't always the last specified color.) The markup layer also supports shaders that apply color patterns to text blocks. Color names and shaders are defined in a new moddable file, Colors.xml.
- We changed the implementation for how MinEvents are dispatched. Modders who are handling a MinEvent in one of their IParts (e.g. bool HandleEvent( EnteringCellEvent ev ) need to update each HandleEvent declaration to include 'public override' (e.g. public override bool HandleEvent( EnteringCellEvent ev )) in order for that event to be dispatched properly to the part.
- In character generation, whether a genotype is considered a mutant is now controlled explicitly by the new attribute IsMutant="true" in the genotype entry rather than by whether its name contains the substring "True". Mods affecting genotypes may need to add this attribute.
- The ability of NPCs to repair, recharge, and identify artifacts in the trade screen is no longer controlled by the CanRepair, CanRecharge, and CanIdentify properties. Instead, it's determined by the relevant tinkering skills. (Repair enables the repair action, Tinker I enables recharge, and Gadget Inspector enables identify, with Tinker II, Tinker III, Intelligence modifier, and any relevant equipment contributing to identification performance.)
- Added support for the ZoneFactory property on a world node, which contains the name of a class deriving from IZoneFactory in the XRL.World.ZoneFactories namespace.
- Added support for the ZoneFactoryRegex property on a world node, which optionally contains a regex that describes all worlds for which this world's zone factory should handle fabrication. Used when one world node handles several worlds.
- Added WorldFactory::addAdditionalWorld, which allows the addition of new worlds at runtime.
- Implemented Myopia as an AdjustVisibilityRadiusEvent, allowing equipment and parts to adjust the visibility radius.
- Restructured the loading of ObjectBlueprints.xml, solving many inheritance problems, most notably with Load="Merge" from mods.
- Deprecated the GameManager.Instance.ViewData interface.
- UI Views are now defined with the [XRL.UI.UIView] attribute on a class.
- Increased the warning level output for the mod compiler, allowing modders to see previously hidden compiler warnings.
- Updated the Modding Utilities link to the modding wiki:
- The Blueprint Browser now shows all properties on blueprints, in XML.
- You can now select and copy in the Blueprint Browser.
- Exposed a method to add a Wish handler. See
- Added a "beguile" wish that forces the target into your party.
- Med names may now be extended by applying the [MedNamesExtension] attribute and implementing the IMedNamesExtension { int Priority(); void OnInitializeMedNames( List<string> medNames ); } interface.
- Added a wish, "clearstatshifts", to remove temporary stat shifts, even including shifts from items you have equipped or active status effects. To regain those stat shifts, you'll have to re-equip those items or re-up the effects.
- Added a new wish, "reveal settlements", that reveals all dynamically generated settlements on the world map.
- Added a new wish, "factionencounter:<faction>", that generates a special faction encounter in your current zone. For example, wishing for "factionencounter:Templar" generates a Templar faction encounter. You can override the tier and level values for the zone, both of which affect the creatures generated for the faction encounter, like so: "factionencounter:<faction>:<tier>" and "factionencounter:<faction>:<tier>:<level>".
- Added a new API, StatShifter, to Parts and Effects that helps track stat shifts. See
- Added a new debug option: "Show debug text for stat shifts".
- Added a new wish, "showstatshifts", that displays a list of items and effects shifting your stats.
- Added a new wish: "bits" adds 20 of each type of bit to your bit locker. "bits:100" adds 100 of each bit.
- The ConversationScript part now supports a Color field that's used to specify a color or shader to be applied to the creature's conversation text.
- Self-closing <mutation /> tags in the XML no longer skip the next mutation when they're loaded.
- The new blueprints loader no longer crashes when given an <intproperty> with no Value (it assumes 0 instead).
- Made wish string matching more accurate.
- The "Do you really want to die?" promp no longer accepts space or enter as input.
- An object can now set the ReplacementObject member of an ObjectCreatedEvent to return a replacement object instead of itself during object creation.
- Effects may now whitelist themselves for most deep copy operations by overriding allowCopyOnNoEffectDeepCopy and returning true.
- Normalized the parameter name for number of penetrations to "Penetrations" across several combat messages.
- Negative/debuff effects for purposes of Shank and Domination are now designated by an [IsNegativeEffect] attribute on the effect class or an override of the method IsDebuff() for dynamic determination.
- Fixed a bug that caused GlobalConfig.json to be unmoddable.
- Fixed a bug that caused the JoppaWorldBuilderExtension and WorldBuilderExtension attributes to be ignored.
- Fixed a bug that caused modded versions of Options.xml to fail to be initialized.
Files 838 MB
Version Jul 18, 2020 831 MB
Version Jul 18, 2020 837 MB
Version Jul 18, 2020
Get Caves of Qud
Caves of Qud
Chisel through a layer cake of thousand-year-old civilizations.
Status | In development |
Author | Freehold Games |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | Fantasy, Roguelike, Sci-fi |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Configurable controls, High-contrast |
More posts
- Maintenance Update - 1.0.23 days ago
- Thank you for a stellar launch + 1.01 Patch74 days ago
- Caves of Qud 1.0 OUT NOW!88 days ago
- Beginner tutorial out now, release date announced, and Dromad Deluxe edition!Oct 29, 2024
- You gain the mutation Precognition!Oct 21, 2024
- Tutorial beta out now!Oct 03, 2024
- Final Feature Friday!Sep 21, 2024
- Journey to 1.0! Final preparations + new priceSep 21, 2024
- Feature Friday - September 13, 2024Sep 14, 2024
- Feature Friday - August 30, 2024Aug 30, 2024
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More work was put into this update than was put into most of the roguelikes on steam.
This is simultaneously most impressive and most hilarious changelog I've ever seen.